4 research outputs found

    Volcanism in The Pre-Semilir Formation at Giriloyo Region; Allegedly as Source of Kebo-Butak Formation in the Western Southern Mountains

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    Kebo-Butak Formation was known to be the oldest volcanic rocks limited in regional terms in the lower Baturagung Hills, Gedangsari area, Gunungkidul Regency. The main constituents of the Kebo-Butak Formation consist of intersection of volcanic-clastic rocks and calcareous sediments, locally also found basalt lava with pillow structures; which distinguished it from other volcanic rock formations in the Southern Mountains. This study aims to determine the relationship of volcanic rocks exposed in Giriloyo with the Kebo-Butak Formation in the Baturagung Hills; the chronostratigraphy and the history of volcanic  activities that produced the volcanic rocks of Giriloyo. This research was approached by volcanic geological mapping using surface mapping suported by gravity anayses. From the bottom to the top of the frontier areas result volcaniclastic rocks consisting of black tuffs with several fragments of volcanic bombs with basalt composition intersecting with thin basaltic lava inserted by calcareous claystone having an age of N5-7 (Early Miocene); pyroxene-rich basalt volcanic sequence consists of thick layers of tuff with creamy-brown color intersecting with lava and breccia inserted by calcareous sandstone aged N7-8; dikes, lava and agglomerates with basaltic composition and lava and agglomerates with andesitic composition. Stratigraphically, the volcanic rocks exposed at Giriloyo correlated with the volcanic rocks exposed at Karangtalun (Wukirsari) were under the Semilir Formation, bordered with normal fault N210oE/77o, the hanging wall composed by light grey tuff of Semilir Formation. Gravity analyses found high anomalies below the Semilir Formation exposed at Karangtalun-Munthuk (east of study area) continued to below the Giriloyo area. The high anomalies were identified as the igneous/ignimbrite volcanic sequence. Descriptively and stratigraphically, the Giriloyo volcanic sequence are a part of Kebo-Butak Formation. The petrogenesis of the volcanic rocks will be discussed in further research to interpret magmatological properties, the evolving paleo-volcano, and the absolute age of the rocks

    Observed the Statistics Fight of Mobile Engagement Samsung VS Apple

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    If returning to remember that some time ago, the trend for the mobile device have won by a flip-style cell phone, followed by qwerty keyboard phones, mobile phones and all types of slide-out was won by Nokia. Now it has changed a lot, now the trend of mobile devices browsing on the type of smartphone with high specification. Two major vendors that Samsung and Apple has established itself as the winner on the smartphone market today. This paper will examine to determine which vendor dominates. In terms of sales, mobile device expert Ewan Spence, said that some Apple users had moved to Samsung since in the release of the Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge But Apple argued will bring them back by launching Iphone 7. All it was just discourse and arguement, statistical data will prove the truth

    Analisis Motivasi Belajar Matematika Secara Daring Pada Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the motivation to learn mathematics online on class XI SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto. The method is descriptive qualitative research. The subject is class XI SMA Negeri 1 Polokarto. The data collection technique is  questionnaire about online mathematics learning motivation. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that students are mostly motivated by learning mathematics online. This can be seen from the objective indicator of intrinsic orientation which has a percentage of 90.93% and the goal of extrinsic orientation which has a percentage of 73.14%